
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hello people, today I am going to talk to you about my favorite piece of technology, it is very difficult to decide just for one since I like many things like the television and my laptop. But really my favorite is my phone, I use it since I am 13 years old and this year, I bought one for my birthday. I use it to listen to music and communicate. I am also addicted to it every day and every minute.  I like my cell phone since I can do many things with it, besides, it is useful for my job, I use it to check the social networks and to watch videos on YouTube also for video calling my friends. My life without it would be a little boring, unfortunately I am dependent on my cell phone. Finally, I try to take care of my cellphone a lot  

My career of choice

Hello people   I'm Angela and I study  the first year of  Psychology at the University of Chile.    When I was a child I wanted to be a doctor or a cook. And when I was choosing my career last year, I thought about studying medicine or nutrition. But finally I chose psychology.    I decided to study this career after my mother's death, as I want to help many people deal with their fears and manage their pain and so far I think it was a great decision and my experience at the university has really been good.   After I graduate I want to specialize in clinical psychology. Work in a hospital or clinic and always help those who need it most.  
Hi my name is Angela Rodríguez but my friends aslo call me Ange or Yela. I am 19 years old. I was born on June 5 of 2001 in Mérida, Venezuela. I have two sisters and a brother, my mother's name was Indira and my father's name is Jose. I arrived in Chile a year and a half ago now I live with my sisters in Quinta Normal in the metropolitan region. I study Psychology at the University of Chile. I chose this career after the deaht of my mother, because, I would like to be able to help other people with the loss of a loved one. On the other hand, I like to watch shows, cook desserts, exercise and go to the beach.