Hi my name is Angela Rodríguez but my friends aslo call me Ange or Yela. I am 19 years old. I was born on June 5 of 2001 in Mérida, Venezuela. I have two sisters and a brother, my mother's name was Indira and my father's name is Jose. I arrived in Chile a year and a half ago now I live with my sisters in Quinta Normal in the metropolitan region. I study Psychology at the University of Chile. I chose this career after the deaht of my mother, because, I would like to be able to help other people with the loss of a loved one. On the other hand, I like to watch shows, cook desserts, exercise and go to the beach.



  1. very nice presentation <3 and beautiful pics

  2. Your autobiography is very beautiful, I even wanted to eat that cake jsjsjs

  3. Angela, it’s great to have you here in Chile!! Do you feel comfortable here in Chile?

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Ohhh you are a beautiful person is a very nice history, is shows that you are a good person

  6. What a beautiful autobiography Angela, you are a very strong and beautiful person

  7. you are very stong <3 i admire you
    ps: that cake looks delicious

  8. Hi Angela I like your hobbies and you blog. I hope that you like Chile, you are very brave.

  9. Hi, Is a beautiful autobiography. I love the photos and the cake looks delicious!


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