My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hello people, today I am going to talk to you about my favorite piece of technology, it is very difficult to decide just for one since I like many things like the television and my laptop. But really my favorite is my phone, I use it since I am 13 years old and this year, I bought one for my birthday. I use it to listen to music and communicate. I am also addicted to it every day and every minute. 

I like my cell phone since I can do many things with it, besides, it is useful for my job, I use it to check the social networks and to watch videos on YouTube also for video calling my friends. My life without it would be a little boring, unfortunately I am dependent on my cell phone. Finally, I try to take care of my cellphone a lot  


  1. I really liked the images, I even take a lot of the technology, only I take a lot more my cell phone just like you:)

  2. Great Angela, the cellphone is also my favorite piece of technology. I can't live without it!!!

  3. Hello!
    The cellphone is already part of the human anatomy, it is very important.
    I bet, you wrote the post from the cellphone!

  4. Hi Angela I hope you are well, I think that like you we all depend on our smartphones, but without it our life would be a bit boring, greetings <3

  5. The cell phone is also my favorite, compared to the laptop it is much more comfortable to use


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