English Language Challenges

Hello friends. Today I am going to tell you a little bit about my experience learning English. The truth is that I have never liked English, and I have always done poorly in that subject. However, when entering the university, it is very necessary to know the basics of that language, so I have to take English the first four semesters. 


So far, my experience learning English in college has been good, I am in my third semester of English, and I only have one semester left to finish it. During these three semesters I have been taught by different professors, which have different methodologies, some more theoretical and others more practical. However, they all implemented the use of blogs as homework, which I find very fun, since it is a different way of learning and communicating.


As I said before, I don't like English very much and even though I have learned a little I think I still have a lot of things to improve, such as vocabulary and pronunciation. To improve it I would like to go on exchange to Australia or England and study English for a few months. In those countries I would be forced to learn the language, since almost everyone speaks it.


On the other hand, here in Chile it is not very necessary to speak it, so I never speak English and I think that is why I am not motivated to learn it.


  1. Hello, I have also had different teachers in the 3 semesters.

  2. Hi Angela! I would also like to go on an exchange, I think it is the best way to learn English :)

  3. My friend, English is hard for me, I propose that we help each other.

  4. Hi Angelaaa! I also think that blogs are fun haha

  5. Hi Angela! I also think blogging is an interactive way to learn.

  6. I am another one who does not like English :s

  7. Wow it's great that you want to go out of the country to improve your English.


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